Friday 25 November 2016

'Tinder murder' accused recounted tragic event on body build forum

Gable Tostee reacts as he leaves the Supreme Court in Brisbane, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016.

Gable Tostee, the Australian human found not guilty Thursday of the murder of New Zealand tourist Warriena Wright, posted a long account of the fatal evening on a body building forum in 2014.

It's the latest digital twisting in a tragic tale, which played out to a significant degree on social media and dating apps.

The pair originally satisfied on Tinder, and Tostee's trial was almost aborted after a juror posted about it repeatedly on Instagram. The occurrence was also vociferously dissected in private Facebook groups.

Tostee, 30, a regular on the forums of under the username GT, wrote a post titled "Regarding the balcony tragedy" in 2014, only months after the 26 -year-old woman fell off his apartment balcony on Aug. 8, 2014.

Wright fell 14 floors after he locked her out on his balcony. The pair had met in person for the first time that evening in Surfers Paradise, Queensland, and had returned to his apartment where they drank and listened to music.

Tostee, who plead not guilty in the Queensland state Supreme Court, preserved he was "de-escalating" the situation by locking Wright out after she became erratic and aggressive.

The prosecution argued that Wright was so fearful of Tostee she felt climbing from his home was her only method of escape.

In the post, he dedicated his account of the evening, including photos of his apartment. He defended himself for first calling his father and buying a slice of pizza after the incident two events confiscated on in media reports.

"While I was waiting to meet my Dad I bought a slice of pizza to curb my thirst and anxiety. It was the most convenient thing I could find at that hour, " he wrote.

Gable Tostee and Warriena Wright inside his 14 th floor Surfers Paradise apartment just hours before the New Zealand tourist plummeted to her death from the balcony on August 8, 2014.

Image: AAP

"The suggestion that I casually or leisurely indulged in a snack is absolutely outrageous. I was anything but casual. I had to eat because I was hungry, anxious, and intoxicated, and a slice of pizza was the easiest snack I could find."

Tostee also took aim at press reporting about the occurrence, calling it "disgraceful."

"From day one all they cared about was having a story. They don't care about the truth or right or wrong. They have no respect for the dignity of the people involved. A young woman had died and they needed a scoundrel, " he wrote, while lamenting his curfew and the stress of awaiting trial.

The fateful evening itself was captured by an hours-long record make use of Tostee on his telephone, which he also tried to explain.

"I regularly made audio recordings of my drunk nights on the town in case something happened, " he said. "It's so easy to do using a smartphone and comes at such a small cost, and sometimes the recordings have been invaluable."

Dubbing him "Balcony Brah, " most commenters seemed to pledge their full support to Tostee, also including their appreciation for his apartment and position. Disturbingly, the thread contains a poll titled "Is GT/ Balcony Brah guilty or innocent? "

It's not clear why Tostee choice the forum to share his story, but he wrote "I figured that being a long term member here I would post it here in public for anyone to read in its entirety."

Tostee was acquitted of murder and manslaughter by a jury Thursday.

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