Tuesday 29 November 2016

Redditors share heart-tugging coming-out stories for pride podcast

Coming out as LGBT can entail a million different things: from telling your parents to announcing your relationship at work to embarking on the process of gender transition.

And if anyone on the internet has mastered the art of the coming-out tale, it's Reddit users. Reddit's boardslike / r/ lgbt, / r/ actuallesbians, and a dozen different transgender topic boards from / r/ ftm to / r/ transpassingare overflowing with LGBT chatter.

So Reddit is harvesting this ripe field of reflection for a special pride month episode of its podcast Upvoted, whichdigs deeper into some of the more remarkable narratives members have shared. On June 2, a Reddit admin posted a call for coming-out narratives, and over the course of three days, a few dozen redditors recorded and sent in submissions.

"They range from the silly to the heartbreaking, " said Vickie Chang, Reddit's editorial director, in an email to the Daily Dot. "Were still digging through submissions, and I personally truly love the ones that are like, 'Hey, Dad. Im gay.' Dad: 'Cool, did you take out the litter today? '"

Reddit boards are frequently used as a sort of testing ground by young or emerging LGBT redditors. With 29 million views of LGBT boards in the past month alone, it's common to find redditors posting topics like "Am I a lesbian ?" and "How do I come out ?"In Upvoted' s first season, "From Swole of Body to Swole at Heart" shared the story of a weightlifter who came out as transgender via the/ r/ swoleacceptance bodybuilding board.

"We love that Reddit offers a home for everyone to share their unique perspectives and takes, " said Chang. "With Upvoted , we want to exaggerate Reddit and how millions of Redditors use it as a megaphone or therapist to share their narratives and connect with others."

Lately, Reddit has been taking its engagement with the LGBT community to the next level, covering RuPaul's DragCon 2016 in April and committing to banning subreddits with homophobic, fat-shaming, or otherwise offensive language like the controversial / r/ neofag.

Chang said the pride episode would be available sometime the coming week on the podcast's Soundcloud and iTunes pages. It even features coming-out narratives from got a couple of Reddit employees.

"We truly believe that its a direct reflection of the diversity of both the Reddit and LGBT communities, " Chang said.

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