Friday 18 November 2016

This Trainer Purposely Gained 70 Pounds To Help His Client. Their Transformations Built My Jaw Drop!

Personal Trainers are generally very fit and in shape individuals, as they should be.

You want your client to know that you walk the walk and have achieved a level of fitness that is both admirable and inspiring. Yet some people look at trainers as those who probably never had a weight problem, or just have good genetics. They may have cut down 10 or 15 pounds and carved up some abs. But do they have any concept of what its like being massively overweight and how hard it is to lose the huge amount of weight necessary to totally lean up.

Well, this trainer has been on the other side. And now he is choosing the unthinkable. To actually go back.

He lost a whopping 100 pounds and got himself into phenomenal shape. But now he has a client who needs to lose a massive amount of weight. And to encourage her and show her that it can be done, he decided to put all the weight back on himself, and then attempt to lose it alongside her.

Personal trainer Adonis Hill from New York City had worked extremely hard to get his lean, jacked up physique, especially considering the obese physique he had in the past.

Adonis weighed 310 pounds at 25 years old.

Very overweight and very depressed, he one day decided to take a walk. Move his body. He then started moving his body a little faster as the walking turned into jogging. He was beginning to feel better.

Adonis lost 100 pounds.

Then entered bodybuilding. He built up his muscles, becoming even big enough to compete. Now hes a personal trainer whos mantra is to become the best versions of yourself possible which requires not giving up and achieving the desired results just like he had.

Adonis joined the A&E program Fit to Fat to Fit.

This is a series which follows around personal trainers and their clients. The trainer gains weight in order to not only motivate the client but to work right alongside them as they both work to lose all their weight.

Heres Adonis and his in shape before picture:

This is what he looked liked after gaining the weight.

He gained nearly 70 pounds in only three months. This was to help his client, Alissa, lose her own weight. As you can see, you can hardly recognize the guy! He had to stop at gaining 69 pounds as his blood pressure was getting too high and he was being monitored by doctors during his weight gain.

For three months, he stopped working out and ate extremely unhealthy food.

His caloric intake during the weight gain fluctuated from 6,000-7,000 calories a day with frequent meals consisting of doughnuts, pizza, hot dogs, cookies and dinnertime McDonalds.

Adonis and Alissa worked hard to reach their goal weights.

Together the trainer and client lifted, ran, and proceeded to motivate one another through their weight loss journey.

The trainer actually said the journey was indeed a tough struggle the second time.

“I was putting in a lot of work in the gym but…

“…eating right was hard this time because I was coming off an old addiction I had to wean myself off unhealthy food. He got things rolling with the often difficult high fat, high protein, low carb diet plan which would hopefully turn his body into a fat burning machine.

Indeed, their hard work paid off.

Both of them reached their goal weight.

Alissa lost a whopping 58 pounds, while Adonis lost 54 pounds. All of this in just four months!
Empathy was what Adonis took away from this experience.

He talked about his journey on New York’s PIX 11.

“It’s thinking about people, and what I’ve been through. And I thought to myself ‘If I can change people and their perception about losing weight by going through it again, I’ll do it.'”

Adonis’s next project is to walk across America for obesity.

Starting in New York, his journey will end in California. If anyone can pull this off, it certainly is Adonis. Hes gone the extreme and has succeeded.

Read more:

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