Thursday 18 May 2017

Jenny Acosta @ Madison Square Eats! 🍗

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🍗 I'm so happy that my brain allows me to draw chicken wings and fried eggs on restaurant walls for a living, adding smiles to people's days through food + art.
Here's a quick recap of my work with OPPA New Korean BBQ: a freehand drawn mural to highlight their tasty menu at Urbanspace's Madison Square Eats outdoor food market, visit it May-June 2017!

Many thanks to Joe, Shawn, and the OPPA team for their support/help during the install day, to Peter for believing in my chicken drawing skills, and to Manny for fueling so much of my food drawing fire lately. 🔥🍚

This was a fun project, days like this remind me why I do what I do. Cheers! ✌🏼

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song: I've got your number | passion pit

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