Sunday 2 April 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 | Why the Starks will win the Game of Thrones?

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Game of Thrones Season 7 is shaping up to be a wild ride and Winds of Winter the 6th book in the ASOIAF series can't come soon enough I have brought you some Juice to get you thru the long night!! House Stark is my favorite House In TWOIAF and today I'm going to tell you why the starks will win the Game of Thrones! Jon snow is the king in the North, Sansa Stark is holding the Knights of The Vale in her pocket, Arya Stark is a faceless assassin and Bran is the three eye'd Raven. In this video I will explain why they will win and how they came to their prime positions of today. This is Second Son day! Please Enjoy this video! Like it if you Like it! And Please be Subscribed to become a Sweet Summer Child!

The beginning poem was written by an unknown source if you know who wrote it please let me know!

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What do the White Walkers Want?
Bran's Destiny
Jamie Lannister The Last Hero
The BlackFyre Prince
The Doom of Valyria

Music: Artist: Ross Bugden
Song: Ice and Fire

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A Song of Ice and Fire
Game of Thrones Season 6
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
A World of Ice and Fire

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