Wednesday 12 April 2017

Coffee Marble Chiffon Cake 珈琲まーぶるシフォンケーキ ふわふわん♪

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Coffee Marble Chiffon Cake 珈琲まーぶるシフォンケーキ ふわふわ♪
It's easy because of the simple ingredients! You can make an airy chiffon cake.
You never know how a marble cake's design turns out until it is baked I revised the quantities.

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【Ingredients】17cm chiffon cake pan
6g Instant coffee
10g Hot water
5g Coffee liqueur
3 egg yolks
45g Vegetable oil
60g Milk(warm)
100g Cake flour

4 Egg whites(large)
95g sugar
*If you try to take it out of the mold while it's still hot, it will fall apart.

【材料】17cm トール型シフォン
インスタントコーヒー 6g
お湯 6g
コーヒーリキュール 5g
卵黄 3個
サラダ油 45g
薄力粉 100g

卵白(L) 4個
上白糖 95g

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