Thursday 9 March 2017

March 3-6 2017 Week in Dallas

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On Friday I started off the day doing some grocery shopping then I when on a boating adventure. My boyfriend couldn't start his car because he had been drinking so I went ahead and tried the breathalyzer myself. After that I re-edited My travel dates.
Saturday I took a flight to Dallas. I dropped My babies off at My parents house and then went to the airport. I arrived in Dallas and got picked up by a client. We got IHOP, checked into My hotel, and then did a three hour session. We did sweaty, stinky foot worship, golden showers, and face kicking. After our session I went by 7/11 to get some snacks and pick up an iced coffee for My brown session later. A hour after that My client arrived and we started our session. We did a golden and brown smearing with spitting. After he left I decided to call it a night and go to bed.
Sunday I woke up at 7am and we to get My complementary breakfast. I had another brown scheduled that evening so I had to increase My food intake. After eating I felt like filming some fetish porn. I like to take a shot or two before filming but unfortunately Dallas does not sell liquor on Sundays so I finished My drink from the night before. (Clips will be available on later this week) I filmed a golden shower POV and a financial Domination video. After that I did a 1 hour strap session. Once we finished he took Me out to red lobster. After eating a bunch of food I went into a food coma and went to bed for a few hours. When I woke up I got dressed up and went to The Church. I stopped by CVS beforehand to grab a Redbull but they were closed :( I stopped by The Nines before arriving at the club. After the club My friend took Me to get 24 hour BBQ.
Monday I spent recovering. I may have partied too hard on sunday so I spent the whole day in bed and moved all My sessions to Tuesday. I had to extend My Dallas stay by 1 day to do so.

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