Wednesday 28 June 2017

Mocha and the coffee bean kittens!

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First: It´s normal for a mommacat to pant or breath fast after birth. It can last a few hours up to a week or more. It helps momma to bring her organs back into place.
Yes, it is warm in the room, cause the kittens can´t regulate their body temperature yet. In the kittenroom it´s about 25°C.

Mocha was thrown out by her owners when they broke up and left her behind when they moved.
She´s less then 2 years old an this is probably her first litter. We saw 2 kittens on the x-ray, but there could be 3 kittens.
She can give birth any time, cause the kittens are already pretty big and showed up well calcfied on the x-ray!

Mocha gave birth to two adorable coffee beans at June 11th.
Little tabby girl was born at 5.59pm German time with a birth weight of 107g.
Little ginger was born at 6.36pm German time with a birth weight of 110g.

On June 13th, a rescuer seeked out for help for 4 kittens, born by a feral momma on June 7th. Momma was trapped too, but sadly she had no milk. They tried to bottlefeed the kittens, but they refused the bottle.
They couldn´t find an other momma cat who could foster them - till they called me and found Mocha.
The 4 kittens are in critical state, pretty underweight and they´ll need some prayers.
They get suplemental feeding to fatten them up and to support Mocha.

Weight chart:

If you like to support the kittens you can check out my Amazon wishlist:
Or you can support via PayPal:

Instagram: @thefurrytailfosters
My non-profit rescue:
If you like to support my rescue with vet bills for the kittens or the hoarding cats...PayPal:
Betterplace (Kastration means spay/neuter):

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