Sunday 13 August 2017

ASMR - Coffee & Tea Shop Roleplay

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Welcome back to the coffee & tea emporium! Today we will be sampling 2 chinese teas and 2 coffee blends...coupled with a giant scone that's covered in cream :D

If you missed part 1:

Want to donate to the channel for free? :D This link (Designed for phones) takes you to "TAD" which will then lead you to your app store / play store. The app basically allows you to watch mini ads, which earn you credits and these credits can be donated to the channel. Just type Articulate Design into the App and my face will pop up :D It's completely free, there are no weird pop ups etc inside the app. This is of course entirely up to yourself and is in no way an obligation. I was just getting a lot of requests to set up a Patreon and this seemed easier and anybody at all with a mobile phone and an internet connection can help out :D
If you want to know what I do for a living, I made a not so serious video about it :D

If you have any questions, chances are I've answered them in my 10k Q/A :D
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ASMR is essentially a made up acronym (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response ) used to describe that tingly / buzzing feeling you may have experienced in your head or running down your spine. The sensation can be triggered by personal attention, tutorials, sounds etc. If you are discovering "ASMR" videos for the first time, their primary purpose is just to relax and almost always to send the listener to sleep.

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