Tuesday 31 January 2017

Georgia 2017

[embed width='800' height='600']https://vimeo.com/201800556[/embed]

This must be the shortest 3 days of our lives so far. Georgia is such a beautiful and fun-packed place that needs atleast 5 days of your life. By the name, many would think we're in Atlanta USA, and by looking at the photos, some might say Korea or Berlin, soon, but nope, we're in the land of the overflowing wine, the Republic of Georgia. It is a Caucasus country somewhere between western Asia and Eastern Europe region. Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is so quiant region, you'll forget you're in the 21st century. Buildings and establishments are old-facade but modern inside. Georgians have unique cuisine, im a rice-person, but for 3 days i was satisfied only by Kachapuri (pizza-ish cheesy bread), Kingkhali (Georgian dumplings) and uggggghhhh pork BBQ. And we we're lucky enough to be dished up with home-baked Kachapuri and home-made wine by our hosts Manana and Guram. Georgia experiences four seasons yearly. Google says Summer is the best time to visit Georgia, for it will be all green and sunny and grapes are ready for harvest. But being Filipinos, with half sunny and half rainy season a year, we prefered Winter, our first snow experience. And our timing was perfect with the weather, we experienced both ground snow and snow fall. Snow fall experience is sooo magical for me, but if you get enganged in the snowy mountains of Gudauri, its even more, its a fairytale feeling. 💍😍 We also got the chance to paraglide, it was -6 to -8 up there and I swear never to do it again. It was a wonderful view but every navigation was a struggle, i almost threw up, my hands are numbing and i cant feel my lips. Edward enjoyed it though. 😂 Religion is a big part of Georgian culture, churches are huge and architecturally astonishing. But more than the scenic attractions, enticing food and picturesque natural heritage, are the soft-hearted locals that caught my heart most, specially Gia, our tourguide-turned-photographer-turned-friend. He was very genuine and hospitable. To sum it up, it was an awesome Georgia adventure. Photos and video will not suffice to show our Georgia story, you have to see it yourself. For me and Edward, it may not be soon, but surely we'll come back, on a Summer. More wine please! 🍷😁

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